Please visit for a list of my current courses and to book on any of them
Portrait Sketching in Oils, Exploring Sargent's Informal Portrait Painting Techniques 10th, 11th & 12th January ‘25
Paddock Art Studios, Lewes 10 -4pm £390
A three day course focussing on informal portraiture. We will start with developing an understanding of the structure of the head as a precursor to looking at approaches to making loose quick oil sketches from the model . We will look at Sargent's approach to structuring his quick paintings and representing light, form and capturing likeness.
Oil paints, surfaces and low odour thinner are provided.
(If you would prefer to bring your own paints, please e mail me for a list of colours)
Full refunds available up to 4 weeks before the start of the course (13th December)
Online Classes via WhatsApp Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9:30am to 12:30pm
Tuesday Online Class 17th September to 29th October - Booking by Bookwhen
Wednesday Morning Online Class 18th Sept to 30th October - Booking by Bookwhen
Thursday Online Class 19th September to 31st October - Booking by Bookwhen
I run two regular online classes each week in rolling blocks of roughly 7 weeks at a time. The classes take place using WhatsApp groups. Students post photographs of their subject to start with and their painting or drawing as it progresses and I record feedback videos which I post back to the group. Students can watch all of the feedback videos and often find it helpful to learn from the advice from others. These groups have proved to be very popular. The cost is £30 per session, payable in blocks. Students who have to miss a class for any reason are welcome to join one of the classes on the alternative days.